It's been a while since my last post on this blog and I felt kinda sad about it. I still don't have much to post, although that doesn't mean that there isn't much going on in my life right now -- quite the contrary!
Anyway, the reason I'm blogging again (and hopefully it'll be more frequent) is because I heard Yael Naim's song, Paris. Actually, I've heard it for some time now but I didn't know the lyrics. A Google search today finally gave me something (from a web forum) that's understandable and readable (not just Hebrew characters). So here it is, Yael Naim's Paris with lyrics:
by Yael Naim
Barachti lemakom acher kol kach maher hachi rachok sherak hitslachti veani bepariz
Haorot dolkim afor veananim ani smecha vetov li aval kol kach kar li bepariz
Mistovevet schor uschor besimtaot ksumot mechushafot bol’ot oti ani bepariz
Binyanim yafim atem zkenim veatsilim kol kach aval haim techamemu oti bepariz
Hmmm... Loin de ma maison à Paris
Bati ad lekan lehistanver ktsat ashlaya yafa sheli nasi litfos oti ani bepariz
Shuv holechet leibud chalom atsuv ani kvar mefursemet veshom’im alay kan bepariz
Achshav hakol shelcha lochesh li merachok ani mitgaagea boi tachzeri elay kvar mipariz
Ani ohev otach ani ohev otach ani ohev otach ani ohev otach vepariz
Hmmm... Loin de mon amour à Paris
Im kol kach tov li po az lama shuv ani bocha vemishtagaat
Oui, je suis si heureuse, alors pourquoi la nuit je pleure?
Mitgaagaat bepariz
Shemesh meira oti mehachalon veod meat argish kvar et hachom
Hamatos nochet veeyn kvar ananim haosher mechalchel shuv letochi shalom pariz
Anyway, the reason I'm blogging again (and hopefully it'll be more frequent) is because I heard Yael Naim's song, Paris. Actually, I've heard it for some time now but I didn't know the lyrics. A Google search today finally gave me something (from a web forum) that's understandable and readable (not just Hebrew characters). So here it is, Yael Naim's Paris with lyrics:
by Yael Naim
Barachti lemakom acher kol kach maher hachi rachok sherak hitslachti veani bepariz
Haorot dolkim afor veananim ani smecha vetov li aval kol kach kar li bepariz
Mistovevet schor uschor besimtaot ksumot mechushafot bol’ot oti ani bepariz
Binyanim yafim atem zkenim veatsilim kol kach aval haim techamemu oti bepariz
Hmmm... Loin de ma maison à Paris
Bati ad lekan lehistanver ktsat ashlaya yafa sheli nasi litfos oti ani bepariz
Shuv holechet leibud chalom atsuv ani kvar mefursemet veshom’im alay kan bepariz
Achshav hakol shelcha lochesh li merachok ani mitgaagea boi tachzeri elay kvar mipariz
Ani ohev otach ani ohev otach ani ohev otach ani ohev otach vepariz
Hmmm... Loin de mon amour à Paris
Im kol kach tov li po az lama shuv ani bocha vemishtagaat
Oui, je suis si heureuse, alors pourquoi la nuit je pleure?
Mitgaagaat bepariz
Shemesh meira oti mehachalon veod meat argish kvar et hachom
Hamatos nochet veeyn kvar ananim haosher mechalchel shuv letochi shalom pariz